1 Tracing Software

	Usage: autotrace [options] .
	Options: should be a supported image.
	  You can use `-' or `-' to start an option.
	  You can use any unambiguous abbreviation for an option name.
	  You can separate option names and values with `=' or ` '.
	background-color : the color of the background that
	  should be ignored, for example FFFFFF;
	  default is no background color.
	centerline: trace a character's centerline, rather than its outline.
	color-count : number of colors a color bitmap is reduced to,
	  it does not work on grayscale, allowed are 1..256;
	  default is 0, that means not color reduction is done.
	corner-always-threshold : if the angle at a pixel is
	  less than this, it is considered a corner, even if it is within
	  `corner-surround' pixels of another corner; default is 60.
	corner-surround : number of pixels on either side of a
	  point to consider when determining if that point is a corner;
	  default is 4.
	corner-threshold : if a pixel, its predecessor(s),
	  and its successor(s) meet at an angle smaller than this, it's a
	  corner; default is 100.
	despeckle-level : 0..20; default is no despeckling.
	despeckle-tightness : 0.0..8.0; default is 2.0.
	dpi : The dots per inch value in the input image, affects scaling
	  of mif output image
	error-threshold : subdivide fitted curves that are off by
	  more pixels than this; default is 2.0.
	filter-iterations : smooth the curve this many times
	  before fitting; default is 4.
	input-format:  PNG, TGA, PBM, PNM, PGM, PPM, 8BIM or BMP.
	help: print this message.
	line-reversion-threshold : if a spline is closer to a straight
	  line than this, weighted by the square of the curve length, keep it a
	  straight line even if it is a list with curves; default is .01.
	line-threshold : if the spline is not more than this far away
	  from the straight line defined by its endpoints,
	  then output a straight line; default is 1.
	list-output-formats: print a list of support output formats to stderr.
	list-input-formats:  print a list of support input formats to stderr.
	log: write detailed progress reports to .log.
	output-file : write to 
	output-format : use format  for the output file
	  eps, ai, p2e, sk, svg, fig, emf, mif, er, dxf, epd, pdf, cgm, ..., magick, 
	  idraw, obj, tgif, gnuplot, svm, tk, gschem, pcbfill, pcb, pcb, pcbi, hpgl,
	  pic, xml, noixml, tex, latex2e, m, mma, asy, mp, mpost, txt, text, kil, 
	  java2, java, java1, rpl, rib, lwo, meta, gmfa, meta, gmfb, plot, pnm,
	  plot-pnm, pcl, plot-pcl, hpgl, plot-hpgl, tek, plot-tek or dr2d can be used.
	preserve-width: whether to preserve line width prior to thinning.
	remove-adjacent-corners: remove corners that are adjacent.
	tangent-surround : number of points on either side of a
	  point to consider when computing the tangent at that point; default is 3.
	report-progress: report tracing status in real time.
	debug-arch: print the type of cpu.
	debug-bitmap: dump loaded bitmap to .bitmap.
	version: print the version number of this program.
	width-weight-factor : weight factor for fitting the linewidth.
	You can get the source code of autotrace from
