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ObexTool trouble shooting

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ObexTool:ObexTool: Trouble shooting

Trouble shooting

Download the latest version of ObexTool from the Tech-EDV web server and follow the installation instructions carefully.

If ObexTool does not work from the scratch, try following steps:
  1. Ensure that the communication software obexftp is installed correctly and works, enter on command line:
    obexftp -h
    the obexftp usage message should appear. If the obexftp-directory is not in your search path, try to enter the whole absolute path name - e.g.:
    /usr/local/bin/obexftp -h
    If that works, change the command line in the ObexFTP command wrapper script etc/obexwrap.sh - example:
    /usr/local/bin/obexftp --device /dev/ircomm0 "$@"

    Note: the "$@" must be present on this line, it will be replaced by the obexftp file command options when executed from ObexTool at runtime.

    If it still does not work, check the documentation on the ObexFTP site.

  2. Check if the command wrapper etc/obexwrap.sh is executable on command line. To check this, enter in the ObexTool installation directory the command:
    etc/obexwrap.sh -l /
    Note: No leading '/' is used here!

    The xml-listing of the root directory of the device should appear - example:
    Custom transport set to 'Siemens'
    Receiving /...\<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE folder-listing SYSTEM "obex-folder-listing.dtd">
    <folder-listing version="1.0>"
    <folder name="Ringing tone" modified="20020103T000612" user-perm="R...
  3. Check if the command line (e.g your communication device) is set correctly in the ObexFTP wrapper script etc/obexwrap.sh. The exact command line parameters depend on the version of ObexFTP, several examples can be found in the wrapper script.

    In general it should be identical to the command line you as enter to communicate via obexftp directly, but without the file command options (eg. -l or --info).

    From version 0.10.3 some or all output goes to standard-error device (eg. the --info output in 0.10.4). To ensure, that ObexTool is able to "see" this output, a command redirection must be specified in the wrapper script. This will look like:
    /usr/local/bin/obexftp --device /dev/ircomm0 "$@" 2>&1
    To check if the redirection will be done correct by using the command:
    etc/obexwrap.sh --info 1>/dev/null
    If still text appears on screen, the redirection statement "2>&1" is missing, edit the wrapper script to correct this.

  4. If it still does not work, try to "talk" to your phone via a terminal program. I always use minicom to check the communication between computer and mobile device.

    It is also possible that your computer will never work correctly with your phone in general, I've seen and heard several reasons for that:

    • Some USB-Serial converters refuse to talk to the devices (I have such a crap, a Notebook HP XE3L).
    • Also some serial interfaces do not work with my Siemens M50 - I've read something in the net, that Siemens requires some exact signal voltage, which are not provided by all computer devices (esp. on Notebooks).
    • Also the "quality" of the interface cable is often determining the success. I never had problems with my noname cable.

    Contact also the ObexFTP and OpenOBEX pages for more information regarding these topics.

  5. If the obexftp program works, and you get error messages regarding unsatisfied packages - like:
    Error in startup script: can't find package tablelist
    while executing "package require tablelist"
    (file "./obextool.tk" line 452)
    Ensure that all TCL/TK packages are installed correctly - see INSTALL for information, where to install the BWidget and Tablelist package.

    Try also loading the Tablelist and BWidget package manually:
    % package require Tablelist
    % package require BWidget
    % exit
    If you get a message like:
    can't find package Tablelist
    read INSTALL where to copy the files.

    You may also modify the source file obextool.tk to configure another autoload path for some special installed packages.

    E.g. if your Tablelist is installed in
    insert into the source file obextool.tk the following statement:
    lappend auto_path /usr/local/lib/tablelist2.3
    Note: this must be done before the statement:
    package require tablelist
  6. If you get messages like:
    unknown option "-state"
    while executing the ObexTool, it is very likely that you have installed "incompatible" versions of the corresponding packages.

    Read INSTALL for the exact tested versions.

  7. If the program starts up, but you get run time errors, you may use the variable OBX_Debug (at the beginning of obextool.tk) to increase the verbosity of the debug messages - e.g.:
    set OBX_Debug 9
    and you will get many, many debug messages. You may also use the functions:
    debug_out $str $lvl and
    debug_var var $lvl

    $str is any debug message
    var is the variable name which value should be printed out
    $lvl is the debug level, above which the output is created or not.
    to include additional debug output into the code.
I hope you enjoy the software.

Further details about ObexTool you can read on Overview page.

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Letzte Änderung: 2018-01-16 15:59
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